Deuteronomy: Commentaries on the Pentateuch

R. J. Rushdoony

Book 5 of Volume

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2008


As the last installment of R.J Rushdoony's commentary series on the Pentateuch, it stands as one of the more dynamic expositions in the series in that is addresses God's demands upon man, family, church, and state. In short, Deuteronomy is the defining volume on theocracy, and could easily stand alongside Rushdoony's Institutes of Biblical Law in its equally comprehensive application of Biblical law.

If you desire to understand the core of Rushdoony's thinking, this commentary on Deuteronomy is one volume you must read. The covenantal structure of this last book of Moses, its detailed listing of both blessings and curses, and its strong presentation of godly theocracy provided Rushdoony with a solid foundation from which to summarize the central tenets of a truly Biblical worldviewone that is solidly established upon Biblical Law, and one that is assured to shape the future.

This is why the book of Deuteronomy is central to a gospel of victory in time and eternity. The redemptive power of Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit are the enabling forces for a people to once again live faithful to God's covenantand Deuteronomy provides the details for that covenant. Rushdoony's study of Deuteronomy represents a sizable deposit into securing the obedience of the church.