Operations Research and the Public Sector

Stephen M. Pollock & Michael H. Rothkopf & Arnold Barnett

Language: English

Publisher: Elsevier

Published: Apr 14, 1994



... a large number of case studies have been presented, which would be extremely useful for practitioners towards identification of the appropriate methodology.
... detailed list of references at the end of each chapter makes this volume highly suitable for use by the readers interested in the field. --
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research

... the handbook is indispensable for any researcher or student embarking on a study in an unfamiliar subject area.
... no OR library worthy of its name can afford to be without handbooks such as this, and any institution engaged in OR studies in the public sector should order it without hesitation. --
Journal of the Operational Research Society

..."An excellent book recommended for all with interests in operations research and the public sector." -- Zentralblatt für Mathematik

I find this volume valuable for post-graduate students who want a rapid overview of some of the presented themes and a rather complete insight in the American literature. A good OR library ought to have this volume. -- European Journal of Operational Research

Product Description

This volume is a comprehensive treatment of a variety of public sector applications of OR methods. The papers are directed at bridging the gap between theory and practice, with an emphasis on a clear statement of where these methods have been used and were useful. The technical level is appropriate for the general reader, with a specific interest in either a particular subject area (military, urban services, crime and justice, health and administration, air and water quality, natural resources management, apportionment), or methodology (hazardous facility siting, voting theory and paired comparisons, competitive bidding, and theories of measurement).