Harmony of the World: 75 Years of Mathematics Magazine

Gerald L. Alexanderson & Peter Ross

Language: English

Published: Dec 30, 2007


A collection of the best from Mathematics Magazine. Gems from past issues of Mathematics Magazine or the Monthly or the College Mathematics Journal are read with pleasure when they appear, but get pushed into the background when the next issues arrive. So from time to time it is rewarding to go back and see just what marvellous material has been published over the years. There is history of mathematics (algebraic, numbers, inequalities, probability, and the Lebesgue integral, quaternions, Pólya's enumeration theorem, and group theory) and history of mathematicians (Hypatia, Gauss, E. T. Bell, Hamilton, and Euler). The list of authors is star-studded: E. T. Bell, Otto Neugebaur, D. H. Lehmer, Morris Kline, Einar Hille, Richard Bellman, Judith Grabiner, Paul Erdös, B. L. van der Waerden, Paul R. Halmos, Doris Schattschneider, J. J. Burckhardt, Branko Grübaum, and many more. Eight of the articles included have received the Carl L. Allendoerfer or Lester R. Ford Awards.
